Friday, October 2, 2015

CALAMBOLA (Averrhoa carambola Linn)


Carambola or Star Fruit belongs to the plant family, Oxalidaceae.  This handsome ornamental tree grows to a height of about eight meters.  The leaves are ovate to elliptic.  The flowers are bell-shaped, small, with purple petals.  The winged fruits are pulpy and juicy, with three to five ribs.  The gold or yellow colored ripe fruit is edible but is somewhat sourish.
carambola fruits

Medicinal Use

·         Prevents and cures scurvy and cools the system.
·         Good for fevers of any kind.
·         Bleeding piles and temporary mental disorder caused by high fever.
·         Stings and bites of insects.

How to Use

·         The dried fruit prevents and cures scurvy cools the system
·         The fresh juice of the ripe fruit is good for fevers of any kind.
·         The ripe fruit is used for bleeding piles and temporary mental disorder caused by high fever.
·         The crushed leaves applied externally are recommended for stings and bites of insects.

Parts Used

The fruit and the leaves.



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