Thursday, May 28, 2015

GALANGA (Allpinia galangal Wild)

Galanga is a tuberous, aromatic herbaceous perennial belonging to the plant family Zingiberaceae.  The plant grows to a height about two meters with the lower portion covered with smooth leaf sheaths.  The leaves, which are 23-45 cm. long, are oblonglanceolate with darker green above and paler green beneath.  The flowers are greenish white in dense panicles.  The fruit is the size of a small cherry and is orange-red in color.  Charaka, the great compiler of the tretise on Ayurveda (2nd Century B.C) included Galanga in the category of drugs that are capable of imparting youthful vigor and strength.   It is the acid resin and volatile oils found in the rootstock that makes it medicinal.

Medicinal use
·         Asthma, and chest congestion.
·         Bad breath and throat irritation.
·         Cold, cough, fever, headache, lung disease, nausea and pneumonia.
·         Gum infections.
·         Phlegm accumulation and throat congestion.

How to use
·         Pound 1 teaspoon of the rhizome or rootstock and soak it in two or three cups of drinking water for 3-4 hours.  Drink the infusion after adding to it one teaspoon of honey.
·         Pound a bit of the rhizome or rootstock and chew it with a fresh betel leaf to get rid of bad breath and throat irritation.
·         For cold, cough, fever, headache, lung disease, nausea and pneumonia, powder separately equal quantities in weight of the rhizome or rootstock and sugar crystals and then mix the powders together.  Administer 1 teaspoon with hot water or milk.
·         Gargle frequently with the infusion of the rhizome or rootstock for gum infections.
·         Place a small piece of crushed Galanga in three or four cups of boiling water and allow it to infuse for 3 to 6 hours.  Filter and add 2-3 tablespoon of sugar crystals.  Administer two tablespoon thrice a day.  This will take care of phlegm accumulation and throat congestion.

Parts used
The rhizome or rootstock


As recommended above

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