Wednesday, September 16, 2015

SOURSOP (Annona muricata Linn)

soursop plant

The soursop, sometimes called the prickly custard apple, belongs to the plant family Annonaceae.  It is a small tree that grows to a height of about seven meters.  The leaves are smooth, shiny, oblong and pointed at both ends.  The greenish-yellow flowers are solitary and quite large. The large fruit is generally ovoid and sometimes irregularly shaped and covered with spine-like structures.  The pulp is fleshy, soft, white, and rather fibrous.  The flavor is not agreeable to everybody as it has a sour taste.

Medicinal use
·         Kidney problems.
·         Increases perspiration and used to cause vomiting.
·         Works against spasms.
·         Dysentery.
·         Scurvy.
·    Constipation, obesity, hypertension, coronary disease and diabetes.

How to use
·         The leaves and flowers in infusion are used for kidney problems.
·         The leaves in infusion are used to increase perspiration and to cause vomiting.
·         The flowers are antispasmodic.
·         The unripe fruit is used for dysentery.
·         The ripe fruit is used as a delicacy and it has the property to prevent or to relieve scurvy.
·         The ripe fruit is recommended in cases of constipation, obesity or over weight, hypertension or high blood pressure, coronary or heart disease and diabetes.

Parts used
The leaves, flowers and fruit.


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