Friday, October 2, 2015

ELEPHANT CREEPER (Argyreia nervosa Burm)

elephant creeper plant

The elephant creeper is a very large climber whose length is over 8-10 meters.  It bears stout stems that are covered with white woolly hairs.  It belongs to the plant family Convolvulaceae.  The large altenate leaves are 7.5-30 cm. or more long, cordate, bright green on top but hairy and white beneath.  The rose-purple, bell-shaped flowers have a prominent white and hairy calyx.  The round fruit is 2 cm. in diameter, with a short sharp point.

Medicinal Use
·         Promotes the flow of urine, relieves gonorrhea, strangury        or painful urination and chronic ulcers.
·          Rheumatism and nervous disorders.
·          Wounds and skin diseases.
·          Synovitis and inflammation of the synovial membrane.

How to Use
·         The decoction of the root is used to control the flow of urine, relieve gonorrhea, strangury or painful urination, and chronic ulcers.
·         The above decoction is also used for rheumatism and to control nervous disorders.
·         The crushed leaves are applied over wounds and skin diseases.
·         The powdered root is given with milk to take care of synovitis.

Parts Used
The roots and leaves


As recommended above.  Normal

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