Friday, October 2, 2015

INDIAN BIRTHWORT (Aristolochia indica Linn)

indian birthwort plant

Indian birthwort, also called Pelican flower, is a twining herb belonging to the plant family Aristolochiaceae.  The leaves are linear-oblong to obovate-oblong, with undulate margins.  The showy flowers are found in axillary racemes.  The perianth is greenish white, inflated, bent at a right angle and narrowed into a cylindrical tube with a trumpet shaped mouth, which gradually passes into a long narrow brownish lip.  The flat winged seeds are found in capsules which, when dehisced or opened, look like an up-side-down parachute.

Medicinal Use
·         Promotes menstrual flow, relieves arthritis, intermittent fevers and constipation in children.
·         Inflammations, biliousness or the excessive production of bile, dry cough, arthritis, and works as a laxative.
·         Insect bites and stings.
·         Leucoderma.

How to Use

·         The decoction of the root promotes menstrual flow, relieves arthritis, intermittent fevers and constipation in children.
·         The decoction of the seeds takes care of inflammations, biliousness or the excessive production of bile, dry cough, arthritis and works as a laxative.
·         A paste of the root is applied externally over insect bites and stings.
·         The powered root is given with honey for leucoderma

Parts used

The root and seeds by decoction.


10 to 15 grams for 1 liter of water.  No more than 3 cups a day should be taken.


Pregnant women should not use this plant, because it may induce abortion.  Also, it is noteworthy that the root, in excessive dose, is toxic.

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