Thursday, May 28, 2015


Musk mallow belongs to the plant family Malvaceae.  It is an annual plant, growing up to 1 meter high, covered with long, stiff hairs.  The leaves are polymorphous, more or less cordate or heart-shaped, altenate, 3-7 deeply lobed, with toothed-margins.  The flowers are yellow, orange or red.  The fruit is a hairyboblong capsule containing many fragnant brown or black kidney-shaped seeds that have a pleasant taste.  It grows in most tropical countries.

Medicinal use
·         Expels gas from the stomach and intestines.
·         Inflammation of the mouth.
·         Heart disease.
·         Check vomiting.
·         Body itch
·         Skin problems.

How to use
·         The infusion of the seeds will take care of the items 1-4 listed under medicinal use
·         The seeds are made into a paste with milk and used externally for itches and other skin problems.

Parts used
The seeds.


Normal or as indicated above

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